200 Hillwood Ave, Falls Church, VA 22046

(703) 241-1900

200 Hillwood Ave, Falls Church, VA 22046

(703) 241-1900


When the weather starts cooling off in Northern Virginia and Maryland, do you start worrying about scheduling an oil refill and potentially running out over the long, cold winter? What if you eliminate the tank, the task of calling the oil company, unpredictable prices, and the many drawbacks of heating your home with oil? Over our 66 years, Richard's Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. has helped homeowners take advantage of the many benefits of conversion to natural gas.

Expert Oil to Gas Conversion Services

Why make the switch to natural gas?

  • Eliminate refilling – No matter the size of the tank, most oil furnaces necessitate refilling at least once during the winter. There’s always the risk of delays and running short of fuel. Natural gas means no more refilling.
  • Reduce carbon footprint – Switching from oil to natural gas can reduce household  CO₂ emissions by up to 27%.
  • Save money – Natural gas is typically less expensive, with less inconsistent prices than crude oil. Expect to pay less to keep a warm home throughout the winter.
  • More efficient heating – As a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, Richard's Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. offers incredible AFUE ratings, ensuring your new water uses and waste far less fuel during operation.

Trust in our team for your oil to gas conversion needs!

If you’re looking to improve the value, comfort, convenience, and enjoyment of your home, give Richard's Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. a call at (703) 241-1900. From free estimates and customized recommendations to safe conversion and installation of your new gas furnace, we handle everything. Our team has been with us for years and years. We bring extensive experience to the job, ensuring we’re up to the challenge, complete every step to proper protocols and achieve success across Falls Church, VA; Ashburn, VA; Arlington, VA; Rockville, MD; Potomac, MD; Bethesda, MD; West Falls Church, VA; North Bethesda, MD; Dulles, VA; Reston, VA, and Herndon, VA.

Oil to Gas Conversion, Switching to Natural Gas & Oil To Gas Conversion Falls Church, VA, Ashburn, VA, Arlington, VA, Rockville, MD, Potomac, MD & Bethesda, MD

Switching to Natural Gas in Falls Church, VA | Oil To Gas Conversion Ashburn, VA | Oil to Gas Conversion Arlington, VA

Oil to Gas ConversionOil To Gas ConversionSwitching to Natural Gas ∴ Dulles, VA ∴ Ashburn, VA ∴ Bethesda, MD


Luis did an excellent job today on my system. He showed me everything and explained the heating issue thoroughly. I asked several ‘what if’ questions and he is definitely an expert. Great advisor and friendly, professional service.

Jen C